09 Oct 2023
Ox eye daisy

With the night’s drawing in, the leaves dropping and the realisation that summer is officially over might, to some people feel like a rather heavy emotion. So, it’s more important than ever to check in and make sure that you surround yourself in a stress-free environment.

What better place to do that, than outside in mother nature!

Studies have shown that being out in nature can improve your mood, reduce stress and help with loneliness. The sound of the birds, the smell of the countryside and the crisp autumn breeze against your skin. And the best part… it’s FREE!

Mental Health is such a huge part of many peoples lives. At some point, most of us will have had that battle. For us, here at Wild East Devon; we want to make sure that our nature reserves are accessible to everyone. So that you can go and spend an hour, or a day surrounded by what wonderful flora and fauna there is in our green spaces.

Take that time for yourself, or for someone you care about this autumn 🍂 and visit one of our reserves