Tips on helping your garden birds this winter

Cold snaps in the the winter can set up a challenging environment for the birds we have visiting our gardens. Birds use a lot more energy to stay warm in the winter. Plus daylight and their natural food sources are limited compared to warmer months.
It doesn't matter whether you have a garden, balcony or a simple window feeder, there is something everyone can do to help.
Here are some tips on what you can do:
Without breaking the bank
There are certain food that we eat that can provide an energy boosting snack for our birds. Food scraps like mild grated cheese, bruised fruit, cooked rice, unsalted bits of hard fat, roast potatoes and dry porridge oats are all safe to leave for them to eat in your garden.
Keep it clean and stay fresh
They always need clean, ice-free water for drinking and bathing all year round so making sure your little bowls or bird baths are regularly topped up with fresh water. And remove any dirt ice during those frosty days.
Bird Feeder Paradise
If you have bird feeders, there are a lot of options out there to buy some great nutritional bird feed. Calorie-rich foods like mixed seed, sunflower seed, fat-balls and good quality peanuts are great choices.
Also, don't forget to clean out your feeders regularly as this can limit the spread of disease. Using a mild detergent like washing-up liquid will work well.
Home Sweet Home
If you are lucky enough to have room for a nest box, then these are great places for birds to huddle together and stay warm. We will be offering bird box making events in the next couple of months ready for breeding season. So keep an eye out on our What's on page for more details.
If not, you can utilise what you may have growing in your garden such as dense hedges like hawthorn or letting ivy and holly grow. All these can provide a great safe and sheltered space for birds during winter.
According to the RSPB, the record number of birds found in one box is 63 wrens!
These tips could encourage more birds to your garden all year round. And who doesn't want that!
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